Favor for Your Health
In 2 Kings 5, we find the story of a man, a valiant soldier, who was in a completely unfavorable health circumstance—he had leprosy.
Declare Today-I am Resting in the Lord.
Can you take the step of faith that Solomon took? Can you look at your own situation and say, “Why worry?
Choose to be a Winner
Our God is a joyful God, and it is with His joy that we become stronger, more powerful Christians.
Ask Marilyn – Hearing From God and Knowing His Will
ASK MARILYN - Hearing From God and Knowing His Will
Your Personal Trainer
Every Christian will experience trials, temptations, infirmities, and afflictions, but God has promised that His personal training can cause you to win over them all.
Joy Makes Life Worth Living
Our God is a joyful God, and it is with His joy that we become stronger, more powerful Christians.