Joy Makes Life Worth Living
Our God is a joyful God, and it is with His joy that we become stronger, more powerful Christians. What is joy?
Thanksgiving Joy
God has often dealt with me about the act of thanksgiving. There is power in the giving of thanks.
GO FORWARD in the Power of God’s Encouragement
When God designed the first man and woman, they were absolutely perfect. The master plan was set in motion by the Father Who said, “Let us make man Has God shown you your “promised land” but you have yet to possess it? Or does His “promise” seem to be so far into the future that you’ve given up all hope of ever receiving and enjoying it?
The Power of a Joyful Attitude
May those who fear you rejoice when they see me, for I have put my hope in your word. (Psalm 119:74 NIV) When a man of God receives grace for himself, he becomes a blessing to others. Hopeful people bring gladness wherever they go.
God Will Make it Happen
God will make this happen, for He who call you is faithful. 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Your Power Source
I’m sure you’ve experienced the frustration of human weakness. Whether physical or otherwise, each of us experiences some inadequacy or a serious setback. Most people desire to succeed in every circumstance.