“These stones shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever.” (Joshua 4:7)
God likes to remind His people to certain things. Jesus has given Christians two very special things to remember, and if we keep both of these things in mind, we can have victory over past failures, victory over present circumstances, and victory every day throughout our lives.
Remember how the Israelites crossed the Jordan River into the promised land? The waters miraculously parted, and they walked across. Then God told Joshua to set up two memorials of 12 large stones one was in the midst of the river, and one was on the riverbank (Joshua 4:20). The stones were to be memorials to the Israelites so that:
“When your children ask in time to come saying, ‘What do these stones
mean to you?” Then you shall answer them that the waters of the Jordan
were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD…these stones
shall be for a memorial to the children of Israel forever.” (Joshua 4:6-7)
The heap of stones at the site where they crossed the Jordan was to remind them of all the miracles God wanted to work on their behalf in the present and the future. They were to keep their eyes on God’s miracles and His promises—and never look back at the past. They were constant reminders of God’s miraculous care and provision. Each time they saw the memorials, their faith would increase, and increased faith meant increased victory.
God’s two memorials for Christians are designed the same way. The first memorial is baptism. In John 1:28, we learn that John baptized Jesus in the Jordan River at Bethabara. Bethabara means “house of the ford or passage.” I believe this is where the Israelites crossed the Jordan. Jesus went there to be baptized by John. The one who is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) went under the waters, which pictures His death for you and me. But that’s not all. You were buried with Jesus—that is what your baptism symbolizes: “buried with Him in baptism” (Colossians 2:12). That’s how God transformed your past—He eliminated it!
The second memorial that Christians celebrate is communion. First Corinthians 11:26 tells us that in communion, we remember not only the Lord’s death but also His second coming: “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” In communion, we have a reminder of the daily power needed to live a victorious life (Christ’s life within) and the glorious future that awaits us (Christ second coming).
Like Israel, God has forgiven our past and provided for present and future needs in our lives. Sometimes we forget that God has done everything He can do to ensure we live triumphant Christian lives. That’s when we need to take a long look at the two memorials God placed in our lives: baptism and communion. When you recall that your past, present, and future are taken care of by the death, resurrection, and return of Jesus, your faith will increase, and your life will be transformed.