My lifetime of experiencing the miracles of God
Marilyn Hickey’s long, eventful, and still-ongoing journey of life made her a witness to many of the most significant and world-changing spiritual events and movements of the last sixty years. She tells her remarkable story.
She invites you to join her as she recounts her miraculous journey, transparently sharing details of her life and the processes God used to mold her into His servant.
Find out why “It’s not over until you win!”


Marilyn Hickey’s powerful autobiography, It’s Not Over Until You Win, will radically change your life. God says we are all overcomers; we are all winners in Him. This book is written by my good friend, Dr. Marilyn Hickey, who has been effectively winning around the globe. You need this book to understand the rights God has given you and begin to see them work more powerfully in your life. As Marilyn shares her eye-opening experiences you will feel the passion, the power, and the dedication she has to help you win!

Oh how Mark and I love this woman!!! From the very first time we met many years ago, to watching her life go from glory to glory as she has trusted God in such deep and powerful ways. Miracles and Marilyn go hand in hand… I KNOW this book will not only bless your life but give you great courage to step into God’s great design for your life.

I’m grateful for the friendship of Marilyn Hickey and honored to have a part in her ministry of sharing the gospel around the world. No other woman has held such a high standard of integrity, with such a depth of compassion for people in every nation. I’m thrilled that Marilyn is now sharing her own personal story in It’s Not Over Until You Win with such transparency, while still proclaiming the mighty works of a supernatural and loving God.

Dr. Marilyn Hickey is a mighty woman of God whose ministry has impacted countless millions around the world. Her life of great faith and her love for the Word of God will surely encourage and inspire you in your walk with the Lord.

Gloria and I have known and loved Marilyn Hickey since the late 1970s. In later years, we have watched her boldly go and, just as boldly, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, His saving grace and healing power, where others would not even dare to go. She has stood, for instance, before thousands of Egyptians, wearing her bright red boots and a headscarf covering her beautiful red hair, fearlessly declaring the Lordship of Jesus.
How on earth does a woman preacher in her late 80s come to that kind of faith in God? Her new book, It’s Not Over Until You Win, tells the dynamic story of her life. We highly recommend—no we insist—you read it carefully. And then do your best to follow in her footsteps as she continues to follow Jesus and you, too, come to that same place where you know it’s not over until you win!

It’s Not Over Until You Win is a must read! Marilyn Hickey is a woman of great passion for God and His word. She has a heart filled with courage in her pursuit of the lost, and this takes her to the darkest places on planet earth. Her faithfulness, hunger, and determination are sure to inspire each reader to step into all that God has purposed for their lives. I am inspired and deeply moved by the remarkable example she has set. And now, through her autobiography, this moving story is available for the entire church.

In her new book, It’s Not Over Until You Win, Marilyn Hickey shares her story of a life deeply rooted in the Word and prayer. She details the numerous times God has saved her from seemingly impossible situations only to come out victorious. This book will encourage and inspire you in your faith as you believe God for miracles in your own life.

There is simply no person on earth like Marilyn Hickey! I am so pleased and excited about her new book It’s Not Over Until You Win. This behind-the-scenes journey with Marilyn around the world and through life’s challenges will inspire, empower, and motivate you. If God can open these amazing doors and pour out His miraculous power for Marilyn, then imagine what He can do for you!

Marilyn Hickey and I have been dear friends since the early 70s, since we met in Buffalo, NY through a mutual friend, Pastor Tommy Reid. Throughout all those years Marilyn has been a very powerful and courageous minister of the gospel, and in my opinion the greatest Bible teacher on planet Earth. My dear friend, Marilyn Hickey, with her dear husband, Wally, who is in heaven now, established one of the greatest churches in America in Denver, Colorado, and her television ministry has affected millions. I have met so many leaders worldwide whom she has greatly impacted for our precious Lord Jesus. Marilyn continues to amaze so many of us, traveling and preaching the Gospel with demonstrations of the Holy Spirit in many nations, including Muslim nations such as Pakistan. I am amazed as I watch her travel, still going strong. I pray the Lord will give her many years of ministry and health as she continues blessing the nations with the Gospel. I am proud to call myself her friend.

This book will challenge you to pursue the Word like never before. Marilyn’s life story shows her practical and thorough revelation of speaking the Word and will inspire you to believe what the Word says about you. When I took her incredible teaching and applied it to my life, I experienced breakthrough and victory. You won’t be able to put this book down because it is the key to your success!

There’s no one like Marilyn Hickey! For decades, she has been a voice of wisdom and encouragement to millions of people. She is an accomplished author, inspirational teacher, powerful minister, and a modern-day expert on the Word of God. She is known as a woman of great faith, who believes God can do anything! Marilyn’s autobiography, It’s Not Over Until You Win—My Lifetime of Experiencing the Miracles of God, is a treasure box. It is full of miraculous testimonies and amazing stories of her incredible life of adventures with her best friend, the Holy Spirit! I know your faith will grow as you journey through the pages of Marilyn’s story. I believe you will be inspired to follow her lead and step out into all that God has planned for your own victorious life!

Marilyn Hickey has spoken into my life and ministry for over 33 years. No one has impacted my ministry as much as she has; literally changing my life and ministry through years of teaching truth, imparting wisdom, and inspiring faith in me. As Marilyn talks about her journey, you too will be encouraged and challenged. This is an amazing book that is sure to lift you up and draw you closer to the Lord. I know that God will do something amazing in your life as you read this book.

Author Marilyn Hickey is truly a mother of the Faith and a woman of the Word of God who was honored by Christ For the Nations with the Freda Lindsay Award. Her story is compelling and inspires the reader to be aware of God’s love for the one who feels unlovable and who questions her purpose for living. I recommend you read this book as a devotional each day, so you can learn how Dr. Hickey became such an incredible woman of influence all over the world, and find out how you, like her, can fulfill your purpose and become a mighty woman of God.

I am blessed to know Marilyn Hickey and to have had the opportunity to be touched powerfully by her life and ministry for years. I know you are going to be blessed by reading her autobiography, It’s Not Over Until You Win. As you read, you will be encouraged to be the winner God ordained for you to be, and you will receive from her wisdom and anointing.

Marilyn Hickey is a pioneer in the Kingdom of God. She is an anointed teacher of the Word that is powerfully used of God to build the body of Christ. Also, she has a strong evangelistic anointing and boldly preaches the Gospel in the United States and around the world, with the demonstration of the supernatural power of God through miracles, signs, and wonders. Marilyn has been in full-time ministry for many years and continues to travel extensively and impact countless multitudes.
I wholeheartedly recommend her new autobiography, It’s Not Over Until I Win—My Lifetime of Experiencing the Miracles of God. Not only is it packed with wisdom, revelation, and testimonies of miracles, it is deeply inspiring and will activate faith in believers and leaders alike and encourage them to walk in the power of God in their own lives to reach their potential and fulfill their purpose. Beyond the excellent and relevant content of Marilyn’s book, I can also testify to the substance of her character, as she is my dear friend. Marilyn is a true and mighty woman of God, who my wife and I love and respect. She is genuinely a gift to the body of Christ!

Over the years and generations, God has raised up champions of faith. Marilyn Hickey is not only one of those champions but is a hero of many of them. Marilyn has a long shadow of Jesus’ power, presence, and supernatural touch of God that will encourage you has read about her life and legacy. You will receive encouragement, faith, hope, and love as you read, It’s Not Over Until You Win.

What a treasure you hold in your hands! Marilyn Hickey’s life and ministry has spanned several generations and almost every media format, all five-fold ministry positions, and has covered the earth. From the great depression and the greatest generation to millennials, from the beginning of the healing revivals of the mid-20th century and the Charismatic Movement of the 1960s and 1970s until this very day, she has been at the forefront of Kingdom life and ministry. Anyone interested in ministry can learn from her experiences, but I strongly recommend that everyone in ministry—especially all women—read this book and allow Marilyn to guide you to maturity. I have personally known her for over 40 years, and I assure you that her autobiography will greatly benefit you for years to come.

Steve Jobs, co-founder and former CEO of Apple Inc. said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” Marilyn Hickey has chosen to live her best life. We can all learn from her unswerving dependence on God and His Word.
It was in the mid-90s that I sat in a large healing rally for the leadership of the Assemblies of God in Springfield, Missouri and heard her deliver a powerful sermon on signs and wonders. At the conclusion, she paused and then declared God was going to heal warts and growths. My sensibilities were rattled! “How undignified,” I mused. I was then reminded of a wart I previously had removed by a dermatologist, no less than three times. I humbly stood for prayer, and two weeks later it had disappeared, never to return. There were MULTIPLE healings that night, as are common in her meetings. Throughout the years, she has continued to shake out any religiosity in me. Stories like mine circle the globe regarding this powerful international speaker. I have watched her interact with world leaders, and I have seen her with common beggars. She treats everyone the same; with the utmost respect. I am so happy this book has been written. You will be greatly encouraged and lovingly challenged as you read the powerful life story of this industrious trailblazer.

As you journey with Marilyn through the pages of her life, you will understand why her teaching has made such a deep impact on the world. She has lived her message, proven her faith, fought her battles—and won. Learn how to keep contending for your win from one of the greatest teachers given to our generation.

In our culture, we tend to refer to someone whose life has consistently been marked by extraordinary accomplishments as a legend. While some people are a legend in their own minds, others are genuinely deserving of the recognition and the title. Marilyn Hickey is a living legend. I have a deep love and admiration for this amazing woman of God and the ceaseless vigor she has exhibited in faithful witness to the Lord Jesus globally. She is graciously approachable, genuine, and transparent. She has been a staple and a constellating figure in my own journey. Her iconic, let Jesus live big in you, has remained imprinted on my heart. This woman of faith never ceases to amaze all who have been inspired by her radical hopes and childlike faith. She is one of the most perseverant saints and has been unashamedly faithful in her witness of a risen and ascended Christ. You hold in your hands, more than a new book from her pen. This is the story of a life well-lived for a Savior who loves an entire world, and a woman who won’t stop until the whole world knows it, even those who appear to be enemies of the Gospel. I have found that even those who oppose Marilyn at first are won over by her graciousness and incurable confidence in Jesus. It’s Not Over Until You Win is a gift to all of us. May it be read far and wide, and may Marilyn’s well-lived life for Jesus inspire you to let Jesus live big in you so you can discover how Jesus always causes us to triumph, so you don’t stop until you win.

Marilyn Hickey’s new book is on the one hand, a moving and honest memoir. On the other hand, it is an adventure story that awakens the dozing soul, that makes you want to get up out of life’s easy chair and actually do something for God. If you do not want to be moved, stirred or challenged, stay away from this book. I tell you in all sincerity—this book is dangerous.

I am so blessed to be able to recommend Marilyn Hickey’s amazing autobiography, It’s Not Over Until You Win. I have spent hours listening to this woman—so full of the Spirit, so full of joy, so full of hope, and so full of the Word. The foundations she laid in my life through years of line-upon-line, precept-upon-precept Bible teaching have changed the way I walk before the Lord. As you read this book, it will be like sitting at the feet of a great mentor or of a seasoned general. You will be infused with faith and glean treasures of gold.

From miracle to miracle to miracle—that’s the life story and testimony of a true woman of faith. Marilyn Hickey’s autobiography will not only inspire you but will give you priceless steps of how to live your own life of miracles.

One of the most revelatory teachers of the Word of God is a woman named Marilyn Hickey, and it turns out that she has lived and continues to live an extraordinary life. As a church historian, I love this book! As a minister of the Gospel, I am so grateful that God put Marilyn in my life at a young age and that she is still here to teach, inspire, and encourage me.
Marilyn has always utilized Christian media, encouraging many to read through the Bible every year with her, as well as teaching the value of memorizing Scripture and meditating in the Word. I continue to receive tremendous revelation from her. Today, she is long past retirement and is still going strong, even traveling to dangerous parts of the world to hold crusades. She has never quit! Thank you, Marilyn, for being such a great role model, ministering with the utmost integrity and the power of God. Your life is proof that, in Jesus Christ, It’s Not Over Until You Win!

What an inspiring book! Marilyn allows you to see into her various past life experiences of difficulty, trauma, danger, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. Then she shares the overcoming power she found in her relationship with God and His Word. She shows how people in our lives also influence us in winning over situations we face. This book is right on time to help so many who are struggling in life.

Marilyn Hickey gives a heartfelt glimpse into her life and ministry in It’s Not Over Until You Win. Reading the book is a journey in itself: a journey which unveils her as a woman after God’s own heart, and a woman who happens to have a heart for people, as well. This biographical journey is both humorous and engaging, and you will be blessed by her transparency.
Interview with Sarah Bowling
A Lifetime of Experiencing the Miracles of God
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