“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” – Psalm 33:12a
Did you know that the United States began its life as a Christian nation? Our forefathers fled to this country so that they could worship God in the manner they wished. Our constitution, our Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights all mention God. We were birthed as a nation of God, and we are blessed for it.
God has used America to bless the world. Our confidence is in God—it is even printed on our money! There are certainly tremendous needs in our nation today, but there are also tremendous Christians who are taking God’s Word to intercede for this country. We are the salt that preserves this nation—let’s not lose our saltiness. We are the light that overcomes the darkness of this nation—let’s not hide our lights under a bushel.
Let’s stand boldly in God, speak against evil, pray, and believe God for the miraculous outpouring of His Spirit upon all flesh in the United States.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You today that our nation is blessed because of the Christians who are praying and believing You. Thank You for doing great and mighty things in our midst and raising up laborers and intercessors.
In Jesus’s Name,