Is there some area of your life where you’ve lost your joy? Far too many of us find ourselves robbed of one of the most valuable assets available—our joy. In many cases, it’s the devil who is to blame. If the devil can take your joy, then he can get to your possessions, your health, your spiritual wellbeing, your strength, and more. I’m flat out mad at him, while my spirit is stirred with compassion for those of you who’ve been recently attacked by him. It’s time to bring the joy back!
The true definition of joy differs from that of “happiness.” Happiness can be a fleeting, temporal condition that depends upon the comfort of your flesh. Joy is not based on outward circumstances but upon the condition of your heart and the spiritual stance you take when you have been attacked by the enemy.
I realize that you may be sitting there right now in the middle of a problem. You may even feel as though it will never be over. But, dear friend, Psalm 30:5 reminds us, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”
If you are a person of faith (even a mustard seed of faith), it doesn’t matter how dark conditions may be right now. You can rest assured, your brighter day is on the way! Regardless of how dark or bleak things may seem right now—even if circumstances are devastating—God’s joy can be yours!
It’s time to knock down the gates of hell that have built up joy-robbing strongholds in your life. It’s that plain and simple. You can experience some substantial victories in your circumstances, in Jesus’s name. So, here’s what I want you to do:
- Bombard the gates of hell with your prayers! Your joy is coming back! Use your faith, your authority, the anointing that’s resting on you as a Christian, and the Word of God to activate the weapons of your warfare. That’s why 1 John 3:8 says, “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
- Step out in faith and give a gift of faith and joy to someone in need. I have found that the quickest way to get a miracle rejuvenation of joy is by opening your heart and giving the best gift you can—and it doesn’t have to be money. Shovel someone’s sidewalk, offer to watch their kids, take some cookies to a neighbor, pick up groceries for a lonely senior citizen—whatever you can give, give.
Now believe for breakthrough miracles to be released in your life and circumstances—and watch the joy return!
Today’s blog is an excerpt from Marilyn’s 101-day devotional, Beautiful inheritance.