Fear and trembling have beset me; horror has overwhelmed me. I said “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest.” – (Psalm 55:5-6)
Countless people today do not seem to believe that God is in control of all things, let alone of all situations in their personal lives. Just as importantly, they do not believe that God can help them gain control over their own thoughts and feelings. Many people are content to live with their fears and doubts. It never dawns on them to confront their fear—many of which manifest in worry and anxiety. It never dawns on them to seek God for answers that will erase their doubts. Instead, like the psalmist, they feel trapped, seeing no way out and wishing to flee.
Some people don’t believe that Christians can or should be oppressed if they are walking with God. Christians, however, can get discouraged just like non-Christians. Christians can become depressed. They can have anxiety. But the key is this: we don’t have to settle for a life filled with fear and doubt!
When you find yourself feeling discouraged, go immediately to God in prayer. Get serious about seeking God to discover the reasons for your fears and doubts, and be open to what God speaks to your heart about what you are to believe and do. Then, ask God to fill you with courage to move beyond fears and doubts, including anxiety.
Jesus, I believe that You want me to be free from the fears and doubts that hold me back from being a witness for You. Give me the courage to confront my anxiety. I declare that with God, I will be victorious!