Get rid of the old yeast, so that you may be a new unleavened batch—as you really are. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. I Corinthians 5:7 NIV
After delivering the Israelites out of Egypt, God instructed them to celebrate seven feasts. Did you know that these seven feasts actually show us who Jesus is in us?
Passover: Christ is our Passover Lamb. Unleavened Bread: Leaven is a symbol of corruption. Jesus was without spot and without sin; He had no leaven. First fruits: Jesus was the first fruit—He was the first to arise from the dead. Pentecost: This feast was marked by the offering of raised bread such as we eat daily. We are reminded of Jesus coming to be among us, providing us with daily bread from Heaven for our spiritual sustenance. Trumpets: This is symbolic of the trumpet that will be blown when Jesus returns. Day of Atonement: Jesus is our atonement. Tabernacles: During this feast, the people dwelt in tabernacles or booths to celebrate the fact that God had brought them through the wilderness into their own land. It was a joyous time. This celebration allows us to look ahead to Jesus’ return.
So, in the Old Testament, they celebrated seven feast days. Seven is always the number of completions, showing us the complete picture of what Jesus has for us. Now, when they celebrated these feasts, they actually acted out what Jesus would do in the New Testament—even though they didn’t know Jesus by name! They look ahead to a Messiah and had a revelation about that, but they didn’t know the fulfillment of that.
Don’t you just love to read both the Old and New Testament and see how they tie together?
Jesus, it is so wonderful to experience the revelations God has for us about You in the Old Testament! Be real to me. Intercede for me. Pray for me. Live in me. I want to know Your presence in the most wonderful way!