“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
All too often we have a tendency to think, “I blew it. Again. God is probably so tired of me and my mistakes that He’s going to throw me out.” No! Read what God did with the Israelites in the book of Numbers.
The Israelites started complaining a mere three days into their wilderness journey. And here they had just left Egypt healthy and wealthy, free and whole!
What did the Israelites complain about? Well, first they complained that there was no food. So, God sent manna from Heaven. Then they got tired of the manna and asked for meat. So, what did God do? He sent them meat! And do you remember how they repaid God? They made a golden calf…and worshiped it!
But do you know what? God still stuck with them. He gave them His special presence at night, the pillar of fire, and His special presence by day, the pillar of cloud. The pillars not only showed them His presence, but it also led and protected them.
God sticks with us. His Holy Spirit presence sticks with us. God saw the failures of His children, the Israelites, but He didn’t give up on them. And God sees your failures, but He doesn’t give up on you.
Maybe you feel you are a failure in your walk with Christ; you’ve blown it and you feel like you’re going to keep blowing it. Maybe you’re in an addiction. I don’t know. But I do know that Jesus came to set the captives free, and it doesn’t happen by your self-efforts. It happens by the cross—the redemption of the cross.
Jesus, I declare that You are full of mercy and grace in my time of need. Thank You for never giving up on me!