“You enlarge my path under me; so my feet did not slip.” – (II Samuel 22:37 NKJV)
When we walk as the Lord leads us, we will not stumble because He leads in a very clear direction. Although we may feel that we lack the natural ability to walk where He leads, He will endow us with the spiritual ability to do it.
One time I was a guest speaker at a large convention. One of the other guests was an outstanding preacher whom I had admired for years. When he said that he could hardly wait to hear me, fear stuck!
I thought, “Dear Lord, if he stays to hear me, I’ll faint on the spot. Let him receive an emergency call; get him out of here!”
I was overwhelmed by insecurity. The Lord encouraged me. He reminded me that my presentation alone wouldn’t impress anyone, but that the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit would inspire the people.
In my fear I had seen a lack of ability in myself, rather than God’s sufficiency. I repented quickly, dismissed the fear, and asked for God’s anointing on my message. God’s anointing was especially sweet that morning, and I gave Him all praise for it.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Help us today to be led by Your Spirit and not by our flesh. Help us to know that wherever You guide us, You will also enable us.
In Jesus’s Name,