“Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed” –(James 5:16a NKJV)
There is a small and unusual “hook” in this scripture. Not only are we to confess our faults “one to another,” but we are to pray “one for another”—that WE might be healed. God is saying that, by praying for someone else, YOU can be healed!
Here again we see the law of sowing and reaping. Do you need healing? Then pray for someone else who needs healing, and watch God heal you. As you sow healing, you reap healing.
The idea that we should confess our faults to one another is not aimed at squeezing confessions out of people, but rather God wants our faith to be released. If we have unconfessed sin, our faith is hindered. God does not want our faith hindered in any area of our lives.
Here is God’s beautiful formula: if you need healing, confess your faults one to another. Then pray for someone who needs healing, and expect to be healed yourself. It will work for whatever need you have.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You today for the power and wisdom of Your Word that works in our bodies and minds.
In Jesus’s Name,