“As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (I Peter 4:10 NKJV)
Manifold means “many folds.” If we fold a piece of fabric and then unfold it, section by section, we would see, in each section, a different part of the pattern—until the whole piece of fabric was unfolded and the complete pattern revealed.
Peter spoke of “manifold temptations” in I Peter 1:6, while I Peter 4:10 speaks of “manifold grace.” Grace will take care of temptation. There are different portions of grace of various sizes of temptation. If you hold up your hand, you will see that you little finger is smaller than your middle finger. Likewise, there are different sizes of temptations. Your little finger could represent small temptations, and your middle finger could be tall temptations.
Now look at your other hand, and see it as God’s manifold grace. He has a little amount of grace to go with a little temptation, and so on. God has provided just the right amount of grace to match the size of any temptation that we face. I’m so glad that God has made a way for us to come through every temptation victoriously.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Help us today to look for the grace to match our temptation. Thank You that You have given us a way to have victory in every situation.
In Jesus’s Name,