“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you” (John 14:27 NKJV)
In this scripture PEACE means “the act of living life at its best.” Jesus gave us peace, a way to live life at its best—something that the world can never give. This peace passes natural understanding.
I’ll never forget the night when my father had a heart attack. The doctors worked on my father for several hours, but he finally passed away.
My mother was simply overwhelmed with grief. But I experienced a wonderful, wonderful peace that flooded my heart. I remember thinking several times in the night, “my father isn’t really dead. It was just a bad dream.” But when I would finally remember, “He really IS dead,” the peace of Jesus would fill my heart. I knew, that my father was in heaven.
Once I asked the Lord about this unusual experience on the night of father’s death. He told me, “I let you enter into a small portion of the glory in which your father is now walking.”
What is that special peace that God leaves with us? An extension of the peace that exists in heaven.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank You today that we have the peace of Jesus. It passes our understanding of circumstances and of ourselves. It’s a peace that knows You rule and reign in our lives and that we can trust You.
In Jesus’s Name,