And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32 (NKJV)
It is so important for us to live forgiving lifestyles. Forgiveness is not something we use now and then, or when we are in a difficult situation. Forgiveness is a way of life. It is a part of the new nature we receive when we are born again.
At times we may grow impatient with people, but we must remember that we sin daily, and we need forgiveness daily. Others sin daily, and they, too, need forgiveness daily. When we expect to receive God’s grace for OUR sins, we must also extend it to others.
What is living in grace? It is receiving God’s grace and giving it to others. I make it a habit, every morning, to forgive anyone who might offend me during the day. Before anyone can offend me, they are forgiven. Today let’s choose to be tenderhearted and to forgive in the name of Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We forgive anyone who may offend us today—even before they do it! In Jesus’s name, we extend the same grace to others that we have so freely received.