God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. (1 Corinthians 1:9 NKJV)

We are called into fellowship? Can you imagine the Lord calling US to fellowship? We usually feel as though we are calling upon Him for fellowship. But God loves fellowship with us.

One morning I was lying in prayer on my couch, I was telling the Lord what a privilege it is to live for Him. He spoke to me and said, “You don’t live for me, you live with me. We live together, and we are seated together in heavenly places. We meet together in daily fellowship when we join in prayer.”

When we pray to the Father, both Jesus and the Holy Spirit pray with us. They intercede for us as we fellowship together.

We are never alone because He is Jehovah-Shammah—the Lord Who is present. Jesus said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Why? Because He has called us into this fellowship.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Help us to live in continual fellowship with You on a day-to-day basis. Thank You that the Fellowship of Jesus is sweet. Thank You that we walk daily in newness of life. Thank You that we walk daily in the Spirit and in fellowship with Your Son.
