Marilyn in Bali, Indonesia – Sunday, November 1, 2016
Marilyn had a wonderful time speaking at the R.O.C.K. church with Pastor Timoteus Arifin in Bali, Indonesia.
Bali is known as the island of the gods It’s exotic and vibrant yet it has a serene feel steeped in a history that goes back centuries. They remain true to their culture and have a high sense of community as each village gathers daily at their town center to reminisce and pour into their children their customs and teach them Balinese dance.
At the 10am service attendance the attendance was 1,500 people, eager to hear Marilyn speak on Seeing Jesus in the Gospels. Five people responded to the alter call. When Marilyn asked for people with back problems to stand for healing, 25 people stood. Then she asked for people with skin problem and allergies to stand and 15 people stood.
At the 5pm service attendance there were 1,000 people in attendance. Twenty-five people responded to the altar call and she prayed a general prayer of healing over the entire congregation.
Thank you for your prayers for Marilyn. She is now traveling to Singapore to meet up with the Fall Group Tour which starts November 5th.