The praise reports from Marilyn’s recent trip to Indonesia were simply amazing! A young woman with severe scoliosis showed up to Marilyn’s healing service with her family. She had been diagnosed with the condition in 2009, and though advised to have surgery to correct the curvature, she instead believed that God would heal her. According to the account, when she came to Marilyn’s special healing service, she told herself that if Marilyn first prayed for backs she would be healed during the service. Healing of backs was the first thing Marilyn prayed for that night. The young woman was completely healed of her condition!
When Marilyn prayed for tumors, warts and growths, 50 stood up and responded. One woman had a growth behind her ear that is now smaller. Another woman had a growth in her lower abdomen for three months that is now completely gone. A woman with a lump in her breast saw it disappear completely after having it for 8 years! Marilyn prayed for people with broken hearts and 100 stood up and responded. Many were healed, saved and transformed!
Tumors shrunk, backs straightened and many prayed the prayer of salvation! One of the worship leaders, a former Muslim, prayed for a woman who was blind. She stood up for healing and he laid hands on her. Amazingly, she said she saw a bright light and as the worship leader continued to pray she began to see movement. Marilyn anointed her eyes with oil.
Marilyn taught about healing and how another person’s faith can help one with unbelief. She taught on the power of agreement and shared her own testimonies of healing. Marilyn had an opportunity to teach from her benchmark Study Guide, Seeing Jesus Bible Encounter. Study Guides were provided in the native language of Indonesian and several hundred were purchased.
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