Your Friendship With Holy Spirit
Father, Son, and Who? The third member of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, is often only associated with unusual manifestations and “weird stuff.” In some cases, Scripture and the supernatural have been sadly mishandled and have caused many to “close the door” to the Spirit altogether. But Holy Spirit is still a very relational part of the Godhead, and desires to be in relationship with us! In all relationships, it’s more important to know someone than to just know about them.
In this interactive guide, author and teacher Sarah Bowling does a beautiful job of introducing us to our very dear friend, Holy Spirit, and walks us through specially designed exercises to help us deepen that connection. Sharing personal stories while examining Jesus’ introduction to Holy Spirit in John 14-16, Sarah reveals the wonder of the One Jesus calls our Helper, Comforter, Counselor, Friend, and so much more! She does not weigh us down with information here, but she pulls us forward into deeper interaction and encounter with Holy Spirit! Sarah’s interactive guide will help readers develop:
• An understanding of Holy Spirit’s character and duties
• A desire to know Holy Spirit more
• Ways to cultivate relationship with Holy Spirit on a daily basis
Sarah describes her relationship with Holy Spirit like this: I want to thank Holy Spirit for being my relationship anchor, life jacket, sun on the horizon, EMT, steady friend, wise counsel, parent of all parents, and continual companion. I’m alive because of Your genuine love!
Isn’t it time you got to know our wonderful Holy Spirit this way, too?