
Share of the Fruit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22, 23 NKJV)

The fruit of the Spirit is to be very evident in our lives.  When we are born again, we receive the fruits of LOVE, JOY, and PEACE.  These are for our personal enjoyment.  We experience love, joy, and peace.

In addition to these three fruits, there are three more that relate to others:  We need LONGSUFFERING in dealing with other people.  We also need GENTLENESS and GOODNESS.  Thus, not only do we enjoy personal fruit for ourselves, but we can extend His fruit to others.

Lastly, three final fruits deal with our relationship with our heavenly Father.  We give FAITH back to Him, along with MEEKNESS and TEMPERANCE.

Here is a beautiful picture of FRUIT THAT WE OURSELVES CAN ENJOY, FRUIT THAT WE GIVE TO OTHERS, and FRUIT THAT WE MANIFEST TO THE FATHER.  How complete God has made us in Jesus!  If you have Jesus, you have the seed of all nine of these fruits.  Partake of them all.

Dear Heavenly Father,

No law can win against love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance—the supernatural traits of Jesus Christ.  Thank You, Father, that these abide in us in our new birth.

In Jesus’s Name,


2024-12-04T12:16:45-07:00December 23rd, 2024|

What Is Peace?

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

This verse tells us that God will keep us in perfect peace when our mind is on Him. But, the questions is what is peace?

In simple words, peace is a state of rest and calmness for your soul. It is when your soul isn’t full of anxiety or worry, but when it is at rest. But what does peace look like? What does it feel like? How do we know if peace is from God? These are all good questions, let’s look at what the Word says about peace.

Here is what peace is:

  • It passes all understanding (Phil 4:7)
  • It brings rest to the weary (Ps 119:16)
  • It has no confusion (1 Cor 14:33)
  • It comes through believing (Rom 15:13)
  • It is a part of the “blameless man” (Ps 37:37)
  • It is given by God (John 14:27).

When you know what true peace is, when you are overcome by it, there is no mistaking it. If you are wondering if you have peace from God, ask yourself “Do I have rest? Am I believing for peace? Is there confusion in my mind? Or, is it still, like quiet waters?”

But, the Bible doesn’t only tell us what peace is, it tells us what peace is not.

Here are some examples of what peace is not. Peace is nothing like what the world can give. Isaiah 57:21 “There is no peace,” says my God, “For the wicked.” There are people and organizations that claim to offer peace. But, the truth is that real peace only comes from God. What comes from other sources is not peace. It can be calm, it can be a break, but peace can only come from God. True rest, which has no confusion, is what Jesus leaves to us.

Peace is also not temporary. It’s not written on paper, it is written on the tablets of our hearts. Peace from God is not something that can pass away or be burned up in a refining fire. Real peace is always there, we just need to remember that we have access to it. God has not called us to live in chaos or wondering what is going to happen or to live in anxiety. He wants to give you lasting peace.

Peace is a good gift from God. It never goes away and it is all encompassing. Remember that God has given you peace and choose to walk in it today!

2023-12-06T11:57:55-07:00December 18th, 2023|

Light Bearers

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

At the end of this week, the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah begins. This holiday remembers the miracle of the light of the menorah, which shone for eight days and nights, when the Jews at the time only had enough oil for one night. This was a real miracle of provision for the people! In fact, we know that Jeus celebrated Hanukkah, or the Feast of Dedication, because he was in Jerusalem during the Feast in John 10:22.

At the time of the Hanukkah miracle, the land of Israel and the Jewish people were under siege by a man who sought to eradicate any idea, image, or tradition of God. In the middle of all this attack, God still provided light and hope, and saved the Jews from his evil plans. The light of Hanukkah represents the miracle of peace and hope for His provision.

You know, years ago I got to go to Bethlehem around Christmas time, and we got to see the large, gold menorah that sits in the Jewish quarter. This large lamp stands as a reminder for the miracle of the lamp, and God’s deliverance of the Jewish people.

As we consider the state of the world, let’s remember this miracle and keep in mind His perfect peace will overcome in every situation. God has called us to be lights to the world, so today, ask the Lord how you can bring peace. Is there a situation in your family, workplace, or friendships that needs the miracle of peace? Ask God to use you to shine your light into the dark places of trouble and remember the miracle.

We are called to be bearers of the light of God. How can you stand as a reminder of hope and peace for those around us? Well, you have to rely on God and to be filled with His hope and peace!

I believe God has a special anointing to give you hope, just like He renewed hope to the Jews by providing them with their miracle. I know that God has miracles for you, but today I want you to ask God for the miracle of hope. He is faithful to give it!

2023-12-06T12:02:21-07:00December 4th, 2023|
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