Moments with Marilyn
To think forward in faith, keep your focus on God’s plan for you and your family ~Marilyn Hickey
To think forward in faith, keep your focus on God’s plan for you and your family ~Marilyn Hickey
When you ask for prayer for a miracle go to a person of faith. ~Marilyn Hickey
The Bible says we can all speak in faith and see results. ~Marilyn Hickey
Pray in faith, never quitting—use your God-given authority to send the devil packing. ~Marilyn Hickey
Expectation brings you to a place of continually believing and speaking the Word of God. ~Marilyn Hickey
As you plant the seed of God’s Word in the hearts of you and your family and allow the Holy Spirit to water, the iniquities of the past will be consumed by the Word of God, thus enabling your family to inherit and pass on generational blessings. ~Marilyn Hickey
When we decide to obey God, we never know where He will take us, and we cannot begin to imagine the wonderful things He will do. ~Marilyn Hickey
God has given us the authority to bring every thought into submission to the Word of God. ~Marilyn Hickey
God uses people in our lives for specific reasons in the process of unfolding His purposes. ~Marilyn Hickey
God can heal any rift in a relationship if we fight for what God wants us to have. ~Marilyn Hickey
God’s word is like medicine. When you take His word, you are taking in health. ~Marilyn Hickey
When you become a born-again believer, something very special happened to you; you received your birthright as a joint-heir of God with Jesus Christ. ~Marilyn Hickey
You can stand in the gap and use your faith for a sick person who doesn’t have the necessary faith. ~Marilyn Hickey
Your faith can surpass all circumstances because it protects all those who wear and bear it. ~Marilyn Hickey
Generational blessing does not deal in sufficiency, but in overflow, to another person, another generation, another culture, another time and place. ~Marilyn Hickey
The Holy Spirit quickens the Word that is in you, brings it to life, and then brings forth the fruit. ~Marilyn Hickey
If you are bitter against someone, you can’t afford it. It’s going to cost you your blessing. And it can cost your children’s blessing too. ~Marilyn Hickey
Faith will remove you from natural circumstances and put you into supernatural circumstances that will boggle the natural mind. ~Marilyn Hickey
We can spoil the devil’s stronghold in our households by binding him in the name of Jesus, by telling him that he can’t do those awful things to our house or to the generation that follows. ~Marilyn Hickey
Faith is a pleasure to God. If you extend your faith to believe God’s Word for a specific need, God will reward your faith with the full extend of His pleasure. ~Marilyn Hickey
When we decide to obey God, we never know where He will take us, and we cannot begin to imagine the wonderful things He will do. ~Marilyn Hickey
God will remove the poverty of your heart and soul and bestow His riches there. ~Marilyn Hickey
You have a heritage of blessing from your heavenly Father; speak it over yourself and your children. ~Marilyn Hickey
Bloodline may be fixed from generation to generation, but a family can change in character and in the way it serves God. ~Marilyn Hickey
Miracles are available to us today because God’s Word promises them. ~Marilyn Hickey
To think forward in faith, keep your focus on God’s plan for you and your family. ~Marilyn Hickey
When you have “Christ in you,” you can lead a miraculous life. ~Marilyn Hickey
You have a heritage of blessing from your heavenly Father; speak it over yourself and your children. ~Marilyn Hickey
Don’t allow your circumstances to determine your spiritual state. Take control of the situation with praise and worship. ~Marilyn Hickey
Father, let my first thoughts in the morning and my last thoughts at night be of you. ~Marilyn Hickey
We can’t let our failure prevent us from trusting God for miracles in the future. ~Marilyn Hickey
Whoever you are, wherever you are, you can experience God’s healing touch. ~Marilyn Hickey
God will come through for you, so hold on to your faith. ~Marilyn Hickey
The Word of God will stabilize your emotions and put your focus on Him. ~Marilyn Hickey
Faith in God’s promises will produce the object of your hope. ~Marilyn Hickey
The Lord is interested in even the seemingly small things that concern you. ~Marilyn Hickey
Troubles that exist in your family tree may have started generations ago. The good news is this, what you do today—right now and in the days to come—can start a new pattern! ~Marilyn Hickey
Through daily obedience-taking one step of faith at a time-you can reverse the sin and iniquity that once threatened your generations and initiate a pattern of blessing. ~Marilyn Hickey
Faith is the one element that God gives us to bring substance into our lives. We must “substantiate” our hope with faith. Your faith will reach up into heaven and say, “There is substance in heaven for me” ~Marilyn Hickey
God has given you the power of choice and the ability to seek out and know truth. ~Marilyn Hickey
We need to daily pray, “God, I believe You for the miraculous today!” ~Marilyn Hickey
Speaking the Word, thinking the Word, and doing the Word gives you intimacy with God as He speaks revelation from His Word into your life. ~Marilyn Hickey
God’s word is like medicine. When you take His Word, you are taking in health. ~Marilyn Hickey
When Jesus lives in your heart, then you already have joy inside. All you have to do is pull some out every day. ~Marilyn Hickey
“I have found that God responds to faith, not need. Faith is the currency of the kingdom of heaven. KEEP PRAYING. KEEP BELIEVING. Miracles provide a witness to unbelievers.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Bible reading and prayer will put your life into the proper perspective and help relieve stress.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Jesus is our double cure in that He took on both our sins and our sickness. BY HIS WOUNDS, WE HAVE BEEN HEALED.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Faith in God’s promises will produce the object of your hope.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“As you read the Word and practice what it says, your faith will grow significantly and crowd out fear.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“Faith is the “assurance of things hoped for.” Now that you’ve made your request, trust the Lord to answer in His time and His way.” ~Marilyn Hickey
We must believe God’s Word, regardless of circumstance and what is discernible with our five physical senses. ~Marilyn Hickey
I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.- (Mark 11:24 NKJV)
“We cannot cope without hope!” ~Marilyn Hickey
I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on Him. I have put my hope in His word. (Psalm 130:5 NKJV)
“God will use miracles to promote faith in His Word so that people will believe and be saved, be healed, and experience abundant life in Him.” ~Marilyn Hickey
You can experience the unfolding of God’s purposes if, you will read and meditate on the Word, speak the Word in faith, obey the Word. ~Marilyn Hickey
Faith is heavenly hope. Hope only sets a goal. Faith provides the substance for meeting the goal. ~Marilyn Hickey
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. –(Philippians 4:19 NKJV)
“Don’t give up” is an extremely important principle in receiving your miracle. ~Marilyn Hickey
“When you have “Christ in you,” you can lead a miraculous life.” ~Marilyn Hickey
We have to change our thinking to positive expectation.
~Marilyn Hickey
“Decide to take a spiritual and pragmatic approach to your family’s future by choosing to look at the facts, not with fear, but with faith.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Proclaim God’s will for your life daily by speaking His Word.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Living a miraculous life wouldn’t be possible without the blood covenant through Jesus Christ.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“No matter what sort of affliction may try to attach itself to you, you can bring forth the healing of Jehovah Rophe. He never changes.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“We need to daily pray, “God, I believe You for the miraculous today!” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Receive all the miracles God has prepared with your name written on them.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Faith is a pleasure to God. If you extend your faith to believe God’s Word for a specific need, God will reward your faith with the full extent of His pleasure.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Basing your faith on God’s Word brings blessings.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“If you sow forgiveness, you will reap it.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Faith comes from the renewed spirit of a believer born again through the precious blood of Jesus. That faith must be based on the promises in God’s Word and claimed in the name of Jesus by a believer whose heart is right before God.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Jesus’s love for us knows no boundaries, and neither does His healing power.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Be specific when you pray, and you will get specific results. The more specific you are when you ask for healing in faith, the more specific the results will be.” ~Marilyn Hickey
Speak the Word into your situation—boldly! ~Marilyn Hickey
“The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim. (Romans 10:8 NKJV)
“Faith is the one element that God gives us to bring substance into our lives. We must “substantiate” our hope with faith. Your faith will reach up into heaven and say, ‘There is substance in heaven for me’.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“Forgiveness is a divine attribute. But we have the nature of God in us, and that makes us partakes of all His divine attributes, including genuine forgiveness.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“Don’t trust in money or material things. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“In your prayer time, ask God the questions that weigh heavily on your heart. Ask Him to reveal His solutions to the problems you are facing.
Ask Him to show you which steps to take; when, how, and with whom. Then listen.” ~ Marilyn Hickey
“Generational blessing cannot be confined by time and space or stamped out by circumstance.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Bear down spiritually through prayers, placing your trust completely in God and put your family in His hands.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Pray in faith, never quitting—use your God-given authority to send the devil packing.” ~Marilyn Hickey
Your Words Have Power. You can bless or curse yourself and your family by what you say. By speaking the blessings from God’s Word, you release God’s best into your situation. ~Marilyn Hickey
“We need to honor God as our Source and in our abundance. Giving to others and furthering the spreading of the Gospel honors God.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“You can resist the spirit of fear and invite a spirit of faith into your heart.” ~Marilyn Hickey
We are not to go from fear to fear; we are to go from faith to faith and from victory to victory. ~Marilyn Hickey
“If you sincerely desire to establish a life of blessing for yourself and your family, you need truth.” ~Marilyn Hickey
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
“The miracles that we pray for in Jesus’s name come because EVERYTHING IN HEAVEN AND EARTH HAS TO BOW TO HIS NAME.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“God’s word is like medicine. When you take His word, you are taking in health.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“I have found that God responds to faith, not need. Faith is the currency of the kingdom of heaven. Keep praying. Keep believing. Miracles provide a witness to unbelievers.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“God is unlimited in His authority, in His power and might, and in His mercy, compassion, and love for you. Always Trust Him for the Best.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Be specific when you pray, and you will get specific results. The more specific you are when you ask for healing in faith, the more specific the results will be.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“When we decide to be led by a joyful heart, strive to joyfully express our love for God, and commit to maintain our joy by seeking God daily, great and mighty things will happen.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Don’t trust in money or material things. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“The miracle of expectancy says that God can do all things.” – Marilyn Hickey
Expect His blessings. It is very important that you expect God to move in your life. Expectation is faith. Get into God’s Word. Read the verses that specifically deal with blessings. Meditate on them, memorize them, confess them verbally, and act upon them. ~ Marilyn Hickey
“Fill yourself with the Word, and you will be filled with faith.” ~Marilyn Hickey
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you. Will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians 1:6 NKJV)
“Remember, sometimes healing is more of a process than an event.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“As you read the Word and practice what it says, your faith will grow significantly and crowd out fear.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Meditating on and memorizing God’s word is where the real miracle of expectation comes from.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Prayer that is answered contains faith and power—Word power.” ~Marilyn Hickey
Your words have power. You can bless or curse yourself and your family by what you say. By speaking the blessings from God’s Word, you release God’s best into your situation. – Marilyn Hickey
“Hearing the Word, continuing in it, and doing it brings blessings.” ~Marilyn Hickey
“Repentance opens the door for the blessings of God. This meant restoration of every kind, including healing.” – Marilyn Hickey